Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My First Post :O

Me: So today was the first day of finals and of course my easiest one was first. It was bio and Mrs. Brill gave us little gorillas, my dad put it on the mirror in his car, why? I'm not completely sure. But it was open note so it was incredibly easy. My knee is getting better!!!! The swelling is going down so its looking more like a knee than another world xD It does itch though where the doctor stuck a needle in me, but my mommy says that means its healing, news to me :P I'm so glad today was less than a half day, i can chill forever if I wanted to :)

Pets: The dogs won't leave the bunnies alone today cause I was cleaning all their cages so i put them in the grass so they could have a treat (dont worry they were in their tops of their cages). I put a whole bunch of new hay all over the lawn xD and in their cages and killed a bunch of spiders because they scared me and they deserved it :P. So the bunnies are happy and clean. I sprayed Jacoby with the hose and he's the only dog that will just stand there and get sprayed and not run away. I tried spraying Koda but he would run away and then he got to close to the bunnies and I didn't want to get them wet. Milo was no where to be seen when I had the hose out xD.

Parents: My mom and dad won't let me do as much stuff lately and I'm not sure why. Whether it be because they don't want me killing my knee again or something else they won't tell me. I wanted to hang with Tyler on Sunday and go to dinner with him and my mom said fine to the dinner but my dad wanted me home by 9 because it was a school night although in school all we did was have parties, so it really made no sense. I want to have a life, but its really hard when my parents won't let me go anywhere.

Friends: Meg, Em, and I are supposed to go to NYC next week and I'm pretty excited for it. We'll be goin all over Time Sqaure and buying everything xD The train ride should be interesting too :P Also I feel like I'm not gonna see people over summer vacation, so friends hang out with me this summer xP There are so many parties this weekend too so I'm hoping we'll all stay together :)

Music Playlist Now: "Baby" - Justin Bieber :P
"That Girl" - NLT
"Love Me" - Justin Bieber

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