Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Here we go again

Me: My knee problem is lime disease, so I am diseased hehe :) But now I'm up and running and playing softball after not being able to walk for two weeks, so it's lovely. Speaking of softball, we did so many dives yesterday, which I love doing so I can't complain, but there are so many cuts on my arm from the grass cause it was like diving on concrete and the bruises on my stomach are nice too :) My tourney in PA is this weekend too, so I won't be here from Thursday to late Sunday or early Monday not sure what time we are leaving. Now school's over and the seniors graduated :O I'm really gonna miss a lot of them cause they were very good friends. Oh and guess what? I might have to retake geometry cause it ws horrible, I'm still not sure how I "failed" though I got a D+ as a final grade, but I needed a C- to pass so this sucks haha. Oh well I'll get to chill with my brothers friends now.

Pets: My bunnies are wonderful and Momma's gonna have babies around the 19th of July so I'm quite excited :) All of them were layin out today cause its hot, but when I got cold water for all of them they were trying to get themselves all wet cause its so humid. They are so cute :) Jacoby was following me around today so every time I turned around I would pretty much trip on him cause he doesn't realize how big he really is. :)

Friends: I haven't really seen anyone, cause of softball and what not but I've hung with Tyler like twice this summer haha. All the parties that have been going on right now, softball and my mom have stopped me from going, but the first one I will be going to this summer is tomorrow, it should be awesome :) Hopefully Em, Meg, and I will go to NYC soon cause that would be evenmore awesome :)

"Diary" - Tino Coury
"Take it off" Ke$ha
"Twilight" - Travis Garland (has nothing to do with the book or movie:P)

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