Tuesday, August 31, 2010


What I'm listening to now: When you Learn How to Love - Travis Garland

Well today was definitely interesting to say the least. Classes, we actually had to do work today :P Math and Lit were the worst. Math was horrible cause I don't know any algebra 1 and thats what the sophomores are reviewing, so I'm totally lost trying to learn it with Joey :P And Lit is gonna be awful since my worst enemy is in it and she sits across from me and I wanna shoot her. I mean I wouldn't have much of a problem if Cort wasn't in the class too, but Cort is and its like Lauren and I are having tug of war over Cort and I feel bad for Cort, being in the middle of everything. So that'll be the worst class ever especially with Kelmachter.

What I'm Listening to now: One Time - Justin Bieber

I got lost of comments on my hair today, it was pretty exciting. I wasn't expecting any cause I figure its normal to see kids with dyed hair but mine is interesting I guess. Its cool to see whos parents are strict about it, and others ideas of what they wanna do with their hair, its pretty cool :)

So this morning or last night rather I had these weird dreams. Basically I went looking for a ghost of a horse but found a ghost of a person who was looking for David's mom. It was a big ball of fire that followed me around asking me for where David was. And then it was just weird.

I got all my homework done. I'm gonna at least try to do my homework this year cause I'll be looking at college next year and I don't wanna have bad grades. Obviously studying is out of the question, I've never studied and I never will :P I've actually tried studying before and it just takes too much time and doesn't really help me much :P So school is gonna be a big priority this year, at least bigger than it was last year, cause I guess in a way now it matters :)

What I'm Listening to now: You Make Me Smile - Uncle Kracker

On the topic of college. I have to go through about 6 years of school before I can be a farrier because my mom won't let me just go to the farrier school, which is about a year and a half and no other school. So I've kinda decided that I'm gonna go to Sweet Briar College majoring in music and taking their horse program. That way I can do what I want to. Or I'll go to a different school for farming, and livestock. I'm trying to figure everything out now so I can just go to college in 2 years :)

Band today, its gonna be awesome :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

New Beginnings :)

What I'm listening to: Say So - My Favorite Highway

So school has begun once again. Junior year is finally here! I was excited to go to school and see everyone again. It was awesome. My classes are really good and I'm really looking forward to American Pop. cause all we do in that class is watch movies and listen to music. Its so great. I think there's only one class I'll really have a problem with and thats Lit with Kelmachter who's crazy to begin with. Its really gonna be a great year :) Especially since I am actually back in geometry, but Joey is in my class, so that'll be interesting :) In almost every class I have a few friends that I chill with, its nice :P

With every school year comes change. I've learned that I have changed a lot, I want to change cause apparently people find me annoying, I don't mean to be annoying but it happens. I'm really trying to talk about stuff people want to, which is why I don't really start conversations, its hard for me to start them anyways. But I learned a lot about people on MTV's show If You Really Knew Me. Honestly, its a really good show and its like CHS's B1 day but more personal levels. It taught me what people actually go through during high school and how they have to deal with it because no one will listen to them or understand it. But I'm really trying to change and I think I have to watch that show more to really get it into my head that I really need to change. I mean I've started to change because some people I'm used to hanging out with they've become far away. I'm not sure if its just cause of the summer or because I just can't talk to people anymore. I've learned to think things through, (unless I'm tired then stuff just flows out that I'm not supposed to say) even know its pretty hard. But I am having a hard time being friends with all my old friends, its just weird to me.

What I'm Listening to now: Chelsea Dagger - The Fratellis

Once again I have a boyfriend, but he really is different than any other guy I've dated. He's not in band, which is very strange for me :P But he still gives me butterflies even after almost a month. And he's the first guy I've dated that I wasn't his first girlfriend, so its nice to have him be in control and not me :) I really think this is great and I've been really happy since we've been dating :)

Marching band is awesome this year, I refuse to believe that our show is not about pirates. The music is totally pirates and its so much fun. My part is really easy too which is nice even though Barry weighs a ton. But I'm gaining muscle from him cause my thumbs are screwed up from him so I better be strong after or he was just being mean :P I really can't wait for competitions this year. What will be weird is that I won't have a guy to huddle up against this year cause he's not in band :P It'll still be fun, my best friends are in band :)

What I'm listening to: Thinkin bout something - Hanson